Tips To Help Prepare You For An Initial Consultation With An Interior Designer

8 November 2019
 Categories: , Blog

You've been living in your home for some time now and you've yet to finish decorating some or many of the rooms. If it's been a while, you may be considering hiring a home interior design firm to help you finish your home. Here, you'll find a few tips to help you prepare for the consultation so that you can get the most out of the time spent with the designer. Read More 

Bought A Fixer-Upper? Hire An Interior Designer To Help With Remodeling

20 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When you buy a turnkey home, you often start the house shopping experience with the intention to purchase a house that has the features you need as well as the look that you desire. But, you may not worry about getting a desirable appearance when purchasing a fixer-upper property. This means that you may expect to put a lot of time and effort into planning how the fixer-upper will look once you start working on remodeling projects. Read More